Curriculum Highlights
Curzon is proud to have achieved the Eco Schools Silver Award and the RE Quality Silver Mark.

This is what Ofsted said about our curriculum:
“You make sure that the curriculum is rich and stimulating and provides pupils with experiences that prepare them very well for the next stage of their education. Inside and outdoors, the school is bright and attractive. Pupils have plenty of opportunities to learn and develop academically as well as personally.”
Our teacher assessments and tests for the end of the summer term 2023 indicate that Curzon pupils leave us with standards that are above national. We have had strong feedback from local secondary schools and grammar schools that pupils from Curzon go on to secure strong outcomes.
What maker our curriculum so special?
Enrichment Days
We hold Enrichment Days where the whole school focuses on a shared aspect of the curriculum, welcoming visiting experts and engaging in a range of activities. Recent days include Science and RE. We also hold a Wonderland Days where children develop their appreciation and greater understanding of the local natural environment through activities, such as seed planting, den building, mini beast searches and observing young birds hatch via our webcam.
Each class has cookery. The emphasis is on healthy eating and nutrition with savoury dishes featuring highly. They cook for a purpose, often inviting members of their families in to sample their food. Our pupils love these sessions and often go home and cook the dishes again! Recent popular recipes have included homemade humous and tzatziki and stuffed peppers.

Forest School
Each class has at least half a term of Forest School each year, led by our qualified leader. Our session are carefully designed to build team work and resilience. Woodland skills are taught progressively with the older children learning to whittle and use tools.
Excellent Computing
E-Learning at Curzon endeavours to create active, safe, 21st century learners with the experiences and skills that they will use in a rapidly changing technological world. Learners in our environment will be confident problem-solvers who are independent with their use of technology. We are extremely well resourced and follow the widely acclaimed Rising Stars Switched On scheme of work which sets high level challenges from creating graphic designs to learning Python. Keeping our pupils safe online is important to us and we carry out annual pupil surveys and hold regular parent sessions. E safety is a key part of our PSHE and Computing curriculums.

Growth Mindset
We follow a growth mindset approach and aim to develop children’s resilience, perseverance and love for learning so they might become self-motivated learners who are not afraid of trying something new and are prepared to challenge themselves. This links to our value of courage.
Our Christian Distinctiveness
As a church school, we believe that all aspects of the curriculum can be challenged and enriched by our Christian distinctiveness whilst still holding respect for other world views. Our Christian distinctiveness is not confined to our RE provision, but is evident and highly valued across the curriculum to provide the best possible opportunities for learners to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally
Parent Partnership

At Curzon, we believe that involving parents in their child’s learning is crucial to ensuring that children make the best possible progress. There are many ways we encourage you, as parents, to become involved in your child’s education.
- Each year we start with a “Meet the Teacher” evening giving information on what to expect in the year ahead and a chance to meet your child’s new class teacher.
- Maths mornings
- Parents’ Evenings/Open sessions – opportunities to come into school and share your children’s work or focus on a specific area of teaching and learning.
- Open book sessions where you can peruse your child’s books.
- Parent Information Evenings – to provide you with the knowledge and information you need to support your child’s learning at home.
- Attending assemblies and church services.
- Opportunities to volunteer – we welcome the help of parents to support with all areas of the curriculum including educational visits.
- Curzon has an open door policy and you are welcome to come in and meet with class teachers to discuss aspects related to your child. Teachers are available for informal chats most days after school.